Right from the beginning of creation God communicates to us through his Word. As the Bible demonstrates we worship the God who speaks, and the primary way he does that is through his Word.
Therefore ‘word ministry’ is very important to us at RLBC. Although we tend to think of preaching when we hear that expression (word ministry) it is actually much wider – including children and youth ministry, Home Groups and meeting one to one to encourage each other.
Hence we want to train one another to get better and better at speaking God’s Word to one another. This will mean the hard work of wrestling with the text and working out what God is saying to us, today, through the Bible. It will also mean working on our communication skills too – it is no use knowing God’s Word if we can’t communicate it to others!
As a consequence of this we think that biblical preaching is important and we want to train and encourage others to become better preachers. Therefore we are keen to put on seminars and workshops to this aim and to share resources that equips the church. We hope you find these resources helpful. If you happen to be local to Harrow then please get in touch so that we can all become better preachers together!
Resources from our previous preaching training sessions can be found here.
If you want to know when our next preaching training session will be held please get in touch with the church office.