Posts from June 2016

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June 27th – Brexit: think of the children!

by Arun Charles

Since internet access while we are away won’t be as easy I’m try to put myself in credit with the blog posts 🙂 As the country comes to terms with the momentous referendum result from last week it is clear that we are a divided nation. One interesting analysis of the vote was according to […]

June 25th – James & Jenni

by Arun Charles

As the UK begins divorce proceedings with the EU it was wonderful to witness James Whymark and Jenni Taylor make their wedding vows today. What a great day it was – lots of fun, lots of emotion, and lots of glory to God. In an uncertain world Christ’s love can enable us to stick with […]

June 24th – Brexit!

by Arun Charles

Well, I didn’t see that coming. I was so confident of a ‘remain’ vote that we haven’t transferred any money into rupees for our trip. That short-sightedness is going to be very costly. We live in a time of massive change in the UK and the future is uncertain. Hopefully Brexit will remind us that […]

June 21st – EMA

by Arun Charles

For Tuesday through to Thursday I (John) am at a conference for Pastors in London – the Evangelical Ministry Assembly. This year’s theme is ‘Leaders who last’, which is proving to be timely. I was particularly struck by the lessons Vaughan Roberts drew out from the life of John Newton, about perseverence. In order to […]

June 16th – lots of books

by Arun Charles

Part of my Sabbatical involves reading – books about Tamil language and culture, cross-cultural ministry, world Christianity, the church in general. Some novels too.   Here is my current list but I’d love to hear other suggestions …   The Next Christendom, Philip Jenkins Turning the Tables on Mission, Olofinjana, Edwards, Gidoomal Liberating the Gospel, […]

June 14th – Orlando Shootings

by Arun Charles

As I make my plans for study and travel the news has been dominated by the shooting of 50 people in Orlando, Florida. The news is terrible and our immediate response should be to weep and to pray. Sadly the media seems to have lost the ability to do this. Instead it has quickly become […]

June 8th – Flood Training

by Arun Charles

In order to prepare me for Sri Lanka, which has experienced terrible flooding recently, this is what I did today when the church was flooded … again!? Interesting that this happened the week after we finished our series on the Sermon on the Mount – did the wise man build on the rock?   John.

John’s Sabbatical

by Rebecca Edward

Hi Everyone, Through the wonders of the inter-web thingy I am going to try to post regular updates throughout my Sabbatical. That way you can follow our family travels through Sri Lanka and my trip to India. I will try to include photos to make it a bit more interesting but will also give reflections […]