
There are groups for children aged 0-11 during our 10.30am service on Sundays.

There is a supervised Crèche room for children under 3 where toys are available. A Bible story is included in the session.  The service is relayed through so that parents can choose if they wish to stay with their child, although they are also welcome to return to the service!

Children aged 3-11 worship with the whole Church family before having their own groups during the sermon. There are two groups – a younger group for those aged 3 up to and including Year 2 and an older group for those in Year 3-6. Both groups seek to cover the same Bible passage as the adults in a friendly, age-appropriate manner and include times of prayer, discussion, craft, games and drama.

As a follow up to the regular ministry on Sunday mornings Lighthouse provides an opportunity to experience all the fun of our summer venture crammed into one day!  It takes place in most school holidays and is for those in Year 3 to Year 6, as well as youth in Year 7+. Bible Discovery, Sport, Indoor Games, Craft, Food and a movie are all included in the time together. For details of the next event click here. 

Children aged 8-11 are also invited to attend the Woolie Taster CPAS Venture during the summer holidays. This is a residential holiday with four nights of fun and friendship – loads of activities with something for everyone, and a fantastic opportunity to learn about what the Bible has to say to us.


We recognise that the Bible tells us that the primary responsibility for discipleship of children is given to their parents. As a Church family, we seek to support and encourage parents in this role, working together in partnership.  This partnership takes various forms – practical support, prayer, sharing resources and equipping parents.  Some helpful resources for children, young people and parents are listed here. 

On a Sunday morning we encourage parents to explain the different parts of the service to their children.  A short activity is often included while we are all together to introduce the theme of the Bible passage to everyone and a discussion question is provided for all ages to follow up together after the service.

Twice a year, we hold a Church Family Forum – for parents, grandparents, those working with children and young people, and everyone else who wants to pray for and support families, which seeks to cover different topics.


Toddlers is an informal group meeting on Mondays during term-time from 10.00-11.30am. We aim to provide a friendly, fun and safe environment for children under school age to explore and learn through play and an opportunity for their parents/carers to meet and chat in a relaxed setting. Each session includes time for free play as well as singing, a short Bible story and refreshments. Craft activities are regularly included. There is a charge of £1.50 per family (1 adult and up to 2 children) per session.

Play & Pray is for parents of pre-school children to enable them to have time and space to share life and faith together.  Toys are available for children, while parents catch up over coffee.  We share a Bible story together with the children and take time to pray for one another.  Days & times vary, so check the Church Calendar for details.

Family@5 is designed to give families time together to get to know one another.  It runs from 5.00pm until 7.00pm.  Food is provided for all as well as time to relax and enjoy games and other activities. There is a suggested donation of £2.00 per person (max £6 per family).  For details of the next event click here.


During the first full week of the summer holidays we run Holiday Bible Club for children aged 5-11. Recent themes have been Wonderful World, Munchy Mayhem, Heroes Academy and Secret Agents! A fast paced and fun filled two and a half hour session includes a Bible story, songs, craft, quizzes and games. The week concludes with an All-Age service on Sunday morning.

We host aLight Partyon 31st October providing a positive alternative to Hallowe’en and including a Bible story, games, craft, and food. We also plan a Community Christmas party in December.

In the Easter holidays we usually run an event for all in Reception through to Year 6.  This includes craft, sport, Easter eggs and a short talk unpacking the Easter story from the Bible.

Please email Karen Sanders (Children and Families Ministry Lead) for further information about any of these activities.  Dates and times of events can be found on the Church calendar.